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Clients Thinking About Buying Their First Home? Have PITI.

“What does it really cost to own a house, though? My best friend’s second cousin bought a Victorian fixer-upper and was bankrupt two years later.” The questions and concerns that escape the mouths of young renters can be incredibly revealing about the greatest obstacle for first time homebuyers. Fear.  Fear of the unknown. Even worse, fear of the seemingly unknowable. A big down payment, closing fees, an unanticipated sewer bill, a surprise insurance spike and didn’t the local news just do a piece about HOAs sending notices about unpaid dues transferring from the previous homeowner to the new? From genuine concern about the initial costs of taking the first step on the home ownership ladder to unrealistic nightmare scenarios involving powerful banks, sinkholes and stubborn poltergeists, it’s hard to measure how many potential homeowners are still on the sidelines as a result of easily extinguished fear. Swiftly introducing the young home shopper to PITI (principal, i
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How Can I Keep You Away From A Car Dealership Today, My Friend?

It’s a painful realization. The moment that your faithful four-wheeled friend has lit the dashboard for the last time, driven its last mile and triggered your honest mechanic in the city to recommend a “do not resuscitate” order immediately upon inspection.  It’s going to be a painful weekend. You need to buy a car. Will you ruin a friend’s weekend by asking for a drop-off at that strange part of town where auto dealerships have congregated like some kind of red light district for unscrupulous business ethics? How about an unspecified pick-up time in the event that you run screaming from the negotiating cubicle after catching the car salesman telling his third lie in less than sixty seconds? Also, are you looking for a deal? The man in the short-sleeved shirt and clip-on tie says that he’ll work hard for you. Just look at the cheap stick-on placards on the window that read, “Pay Nothing Today!” and “Good Credit. Bad Credit. No Credit. We Accept All!” Who wouldn’t be excited to